For the past two weeks we have worked on an assignment about constructivism. It has been very interesting learning a different teaching styles to help students to learn and allows them to be part of the teaching process. This is a great concept and I think it will be useful to use in the classroom.
During the constructivism classroom experience you have a student centered learning environment. Students work in groups and are allowed to engage in the teaching process by asking questions and collaborating with other students in group settings. The teacher is no long the center of the classroom but instead is a part of the class. She encourages conversation and questions and allows the students to investigate and learn the material in a style that the students enjoy. While using this style of teaching the teacher is afforded an opportunity to help students that do not grasp the concept of what is being taught and give them some one on one help.
I did not enjoy the video portion of this assignment. I hate to see myself in pictures or on video. However I did enjoy the process of learning how to sync the video with the power point presentation. I could not figure out how to make the animation of the power point work in my presentation. I will continue to work on making the power point active while doing illustrations.
I enjoyed learning about the constructivism theory and I plan to use this in my classroom in the future.